Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

I can really use some help because i really want to dye my hair colorpink but i want to know with do y'all think.

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

"Blue or pink"? Girl, if you are REALLY as beautiful as you say you are, you don't NEED to go to such an ABSURDLY STUPID length to try and "prove your point", whatever that is! The bottom line is this: You are VERY discontent with the way GOD made you! I get so aggrivated with people today at how they just HAVE to try and change the way God made them, specifically, things like THEIR NAME, THEIR HAIR COLOUR, AND THEIR OVER-ALL APPEARANCE (ie, "Breast Enhancements", "Face Jobs", "Piercings, "Tatoos", etc) This world is SO STUPID AND DECEPTIVE with how they sucker people like YOU into thinking that the way God made you is "just not good enough". Hollywood and the whole "Entertainment Industry" mentality that if you're not one of the "beautiful people" then you just AIN'T COOL is such a rip off! Girl, your NATURAL hair colour is what looks good! What matters is YOUR HEART, and God says, "The heart is deceitful above ALL things, and desperately wicked." (Jeremiah 17:9). THAT is what needs to be changed in you, and ONLY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST AND GOD'S WORD AND SPIRIT can do that! Besides, PINK OR BLUE hair is for CIRCUS CLOWNS, and unless you want to be viewed as A BIG JOKE, all I can say is: LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE! And one more thing: GET YOUR HEART RIGHT WITH GOD! Jesus Christ loves you, and He died on the cross to SAVE YOU FROM YOUR SINS! If you get things right between you and your Creator, then you'll realize that the ONLY one you have to try and please is HIM! "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power; for thou hast created all things; and for thy pleasure, they are and were created." (Revelation 4:11)

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

Pink...all of it ;-)

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

Dying your hair an unatural color is so 7 years ago

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

Cookie monster blue..

And make sure the carpet matches the curtains...

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

Well, I hope you don't have a job, otherwise that might cause problems. Dye it pink if you want to. Or dye it both. Doesn't matter.

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

Nothing says "Identity crisis" like neon hair. You should really be happy with what you have and really try to accentuate what God gave you. If you really feel a need to color your hair, just do highlights or go with something more natural.

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

Between the two colors I would definitely go with Pink because blue would be outdated...Also do you plan on dyeing your head or just highlights...

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

Go with pink, but if you want to do both, why not put the two colors as streaks in your hair.

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

i think u should dye it whatever color u feel like %26amp; just be yourself but maybe u should try a non-permanent color first just so u know if u like it before going all the way %26amp; personally i like pink more

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

i kind of think going all neon like that is pretty 90's

What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?


What's up everyone with color do you think i should dye my hair to blue or pink?

pink is my fave color!

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