Sunday, July 26, 2009

Are red hair people becoming pink when they are old?

Old punk rockers maybe. We redheads fade down from shrieking auburn to dull mud colour during the 10-15 yrs.from teenage to our thirties. Some of us are very relieved.

Are red hair people becoming pink when they are old?

like cotten candy

Are red hair people becoming pink when they are old?

lol, no i dont think so.... but good point xx

Are red hair people becoming pink when they are old?


Are red hair people becoming pink when they are old?

In regard to their hair colour, no. A true red head will stay red until their hair turns white.

In regard to their skin colour, are you on crack?


Are red hair people becoming pink when they are old?


Are red hair people becoming pink when they are old?

red heads dont go grey as such there hair colour just fades. So i guess some could have a pinkish tinge to it - maybe.

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